13 May 2008

what to do?

the contest to see who will be the nominee for the democrats is nearing an end - one would think. only oregon and kentucky on may 20 and south dakota and montana on june 3 remain (there might actually be some outlying territories left to vote too, but i'm not sure). the four states represent 134 pledged delegates. obama needs about 150 delegates to win and clinton needs almost double that. it's conceivable that we could make it to the convention without a clear nominee. and i think i'm okay with that, BUT (and you see that it's a big BUT) i'm concerned with the distinctly classist and racist tone that the banter is beginning to take on. a pundit on the nightly news just talked about how the voters in west virginia have a "ph.d. in life." the clinton campaign often talks about how she is the candidate for the white, working class citizen. obama's campaign highlights his appeal to the educated elite. clinton speaks of how, if she should be the nominee, the black voters will fall in line, but that the white voter from a lower socio-economic stratum will not fall in line behind Obama should he be the nominee. Obama ponders how disenfranchised middle americans cling to religion and guns.

this is not good! in my mind, the ONLY thing that matters is that we get a democrat in the white house. while i truly believe that this protracted nominating process is for the best, i don't believe that it should continue if we end up ruining our chances to take back the presidency in november. just saying ...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my God - don't even get me started on this one. If the dems could've just found themselves a nice middle of the road white man they would have crushed the GOP. I fear we are going to end up with McCain a.k.a the man that will make "Cheney look like Ghandi." Canada anyone??? (the Cheddar Bay biscuits are just as divine....just pack your parka.)