30 September 2009

now THIS is what a chick flick should be

last weekend kristin and i caught a sneak preview of drew barrymore's directorial debut - whip it! i surprised kristin with the tickets because (a) she was jonesing to see the movie and (b) because they promised me a free tshirt. while it will never win a oscar, whip it!, is the kind of girl-power movie that needed to be made in 2009.


we need movies featuring strong female characters promoting the ideas that -

1) the girl doesn't need to end up with the cheating boyfriend to be happy
2) do what makes you happy
3) it's okay to be number 2, or 3, or 4 ...

whip it? loved it!

23 September 2009

one more nod to nanna boo

just came across this video from nanna boo's funeral. it was truly an amazing affair - about 500 people from every walk of life.

omar little would have NEVER given 5-0 the 411

this is a great story - basically boils down to a thief getting pissed that he couldn't lift the goods so he called in the cops!

omar little's
surely rolling over in his grave.

ahh, the gateway to everett

things must really be changing in malden, ma. less than 10 years ago, it was a pit with the only redeeming qualities being the t stop just three blocks from my office and the killer vietnamese restaurant right across the street from my office.

but now ... boston.com has named it an overlooked neighborhood to check out. i guess everett will now be known as the gateway to malden!

what part of their training taught them this tactic?

putting innocent people in danger by firing across 9 lanes of traffic? those vans must have been filled with some bad ass undocumented people!

21 September 2009

why we need health care reform

went to the doctor today because i have something stuck in my foot. the resident dug around a little and decided that he couldn't get it out so he made me an appointment for an ex-ray and an appointment with a specialist. then he was just going to leave. i stopped him and asked for neosporin and something to cover his gouge. it was at that point that he informed me that they don't have neosporin?!

what the hell kind of doctor's office in a major teaching hospital does not have a topical antibiotic ointment?

why, my doctor's office in a major teaching hospital, of course.

19 September 2009

wanted: a moratorium on death

i understand that one of the challenges of growing older is that many that you care about are growing even older. and while wisdom and experience come with age, so does illness. all that to say that i'm done with death. i feel like i've experienced more death since december than most people do in a lifetime - the most recent being my dear, dear friend laura townsend who passed this morning.

townsend, as she was affectionately know, was a super woman. we met while teaching at elmhurst middle school in oakland, ca. she was in her mid to late sixties working on her third or fourth career and i was 24 fresh out of college looking to change the world. from day one, she took me under her wing. i truly believe that she was sent to me as a replacement grandmother. she was so much like my grandmother - except that my grandmother was neither black nor a lesbian - and filled that void in my life when i desperately needed someone to fill that role.

townsend and i have been through many years together with many things to celebrate and many things to mourn. through it all, she was my light. she some how also let me know that life was going to work out and we were going to be just fine.

and in the words of townsend - death can kiss my royal ethiopian ass!

17 September 2009

all the straight couples will kiss and the lesbians will hold hands

it's finally here - the end of guiding light! you'll remember that i became a big fan of the show some time back when i realized that crystal chappell was playing a lesbian. let me take that back - since she and her female love interest never actually kissed, i think it would better be described as ...

"playing a character whose love dare not speak its name,
but, in the end, if you must utter - DEFINITELY don't show the lovin' !"

think i'm kidding? watch the last minute of this clip. and this is five months after they professed their love for each other.

yep. the most we can get is some face rubbing. really, it's good that the show is ending because any more of this caressing and they will wear the skin right off their cheeks.

alas, all is not lost. this lack of proper story line motivated crystal chappell and her friends to fight back. soon they will produce a web series called "venice" that will tell the story of a lesbian from venice, ca. turns out that the lesbian is crystal chappell and her former girlfriend on the series is none other than the actress that played her "love" interest on guiding light!!! watch her talk about it here ...

(right now i know you're thinking - i am SO glad that i logged on to flipflop fed!! you can thank me later!)

i know that this is a lot to process. i'll leave you to your pondering.

16 September 2009

why yelling "why are those lesbians staring at us" is never a good idea

overheard in harris teeter -

after noticing that the same two lesbians who were staring in the cheese department were still staring in the check out line (speaker was an entire aisle away) ...

those lesbians are STILL staring at us!

the problem is that the only person that heard this was a high schooler in the soap and deodorant aisle who was convinced that i had just called her a lesbian (but as she pointed out - "not that there's anything wrong with that, but i'm not).

and just like the story of the nuts, i didn't overhear this ... i said it!

13 September 2009


it's back! and with lines like - "but all of the songs have 'jesus' or 'balloons" in the titles" - how can you not be totally addicted to glee?

the line i've been waiting for

i've been waiting for a presidency-defining line since the inauguration, but really haven't been impressed with the material thus far. then came this ditty from the health care address -

"we did not come to fear the future. we came to shape it."

and there it is!

ah, the irony of it all

picture the scene - while crossing the bay bridge on the way back from rehoboth, we were driving behind a big, gas guzzling american-made pickup with a bumper sticker that read -

"i'll keep my gun, my money, my faith and my freedom and you can keep the change"

"keep the change" has become the rallying cry against everything obama - everything that this person, and those like him, believe represents big government and socialism. that got me thinking - so this guy doesn't want government intervention, yet he was speeding across a publicly funded bridge, in his truck that wouldn't exist save a government bailout of the company that produced it; a truck that needs heavily subsidized gasoline to run?

yep, i'll keep the change!

03 September 2009

out for a few

the flipflop fed will be flipflop vacationing ... come back in a week

02 September 2009

i'm not the only one who's curious how chickens have sex

google analytics makes my day! not only did the program teach me that i'm big in the uae. it also brought to my attention that other people also care if and how chickens have sex! you see, i was checking my readership stats and saw that this post helped double my following. one of these surfers even hung around for more than 6 minutes to read other posts.

drastically unprecedented

i want to create a new drinking game. it's simple - listen to any speech by a member of the current administration and drink every time they say either "drastically" or "unprecedented." might i suggest that you begin with obama's big health care appeal to a joint session next week.