30 September 2009

now THIS is what a chick flick should be

last weekend kristin and i caught a sneak preview of drew barrymore's directorial debut - whip it! i surprised kristin with the tickets because (a) she was jonesing to see the movie and (b) because they promised me a free tshirt. while it will never win a oscar, whip it!, is the kind of girl-power movie that needed to be made in 2009.


we need movies featuring strong female characters promoting the ideas that -

1) the girl doesn't need to end up with the cheating boyfriend to be happy
2) do what makes you happy
3) it's okay to be number 2, or 3, or 4 ...

whip it? loved it!

1 comment:

Jen Burke said...

Saw it over & the weekend & LOVED it!! Get your derby name & you can join our team! So far we've got Short Fuse, Nicole Bitchie, The Chairman of the Boards & Tawdry Hepburn (me).