07 November 2008

here's the thing ...

i want to believe will.I.am. i really do ...

but frankly, i'm having a difficult time when we live in a place where, on the exact same day that we shattered the ultimate color barrier, the people of three states decided that i'm a second class citizen and should not be given the same rights as the rest of the citizenry because of who i love and where the people of another state decided that i would not be an acceptable parent because of who i love.

so as the euphoria begins to fade and reality rears it's ugly head, i am reminded that, while one glass ceiling has been broken, many others remain ...

**and why is it that the one over my head seems to be made out of 7 in. bullet proof plexiglass reinforced with chicken wire and covered with a piece of steel that has been welded shut?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I felt the same way and I am in CA... We are still fighting everyday to fix the mistake that was made by prop 8, but the battle is huge. Why can't I be enjoying my new president instead of fighting for my civil rights?