18 February 2010

adrian "ice water in his veins" fenty has me HOT

my rant on my community listserv today in response to this -

I have refrained from criticizing the mayor because the snow events of the past month really have been momentous. However, I have now moved to the anger phase after reading this bit in the Post and watching the video from NBC 4. It even motivated me to call the mayor’s office this morning and relay my frustration.

I remember a joke on my community list serve after the December storm that the city’s snow removal plan consisted of one simple word – SUN. Well, it seems that it wasn’t a joke after all.

Honestly, I do think that it was unreasonable to believe that the city streets should have been cleared curb to curb a few days after such a massive amount of snow given the city’s limited snow removal resources – putting a blade on the front of a pickup does not a snow plow make. As I explained to my father (a resident of a town of 3000 people where they average about 200” of snow per season and have about 15 dedicated snow plows) when he kept laughing about the fact that I didn’t work for four days – it would be like Baldwinsville getting 400” of snow in less time than there is between NASCAR races. And to that he quickly replied “Okay I guess we would have probably had a two hour delay!”

HOWEVER – it has now been more than two weeks since the last flake fell and it’s still a mess. (As an example, I give you 12th St SW, a major 5 lane commuter route that has been reduced to about 1 lane in each direction with 6’ + snow banks at the intersections. ) Therefore, it is now perfectly reasonable to question this city’s leadership’s response to the storm; which I hope we can now all admit was less than adequate. And that fact dictates that the leader take it on the chin and admit that things haven’t been handled as well as they could have been AND dictates that the leader answer each question respectfully – no matter who asks it and no matter how many times it is asked.

this next part is in response to another poster. can you tell that i'm pissed?

As to Montgomery and other surrounding counties – they are none of my concern. I live, work and pay taxes in this city and it is my duty to hold my elected officials accountable for their inaction with my money – as it is yours.

And taxes – do you know how much we each paid in federal taxes because of the fallout from this??? The government was closed for 4 ½ days to the tune of $100 million dollars a day. Add in a few more delayed openings and the annual leave that’s now being taken because people don’t want to deal with the commute and that’s A LOT of wasted tax dollars that will eventually have to be replaced from somewhere.

In the end, Fenty is proving himself to be arrogant and less than a leader. A real leader seeks out help and a real leader knows when to admit that an outcome is less than acceptable and lets the public know how it will be corrected in the future. That would go a long way in getting people to move past the issue. Until that time comes, I will be stock piling snow balls in my freezer to use on election day as I go from polling place to polling place reminding people of those few days in February where Fenty showed his real character.


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