06 December 2009

"bloodletting??" is this guy for real?

i was given a pretty cool present at the beginning of my birthday week - the district of columbia city council voted 11-2 to move forward the gay marriage bill (a final vote will come soon). and then wouldn't you know that some assholes had to rain on my parade.

bishop harry jackson, a presumably straight beltsville, md pastor who is particularly interested in the dictating the lives of gay people in the district, declared that he and people like him were going to ramp up their anti-gay efforts. specifically, he said that we're all going to "see a bloodletting that is going to mark a new style of engagement for people who are against same sex marriage." "bloodletting??" for real? and who's blood will be let. bloodletting is performed to get rid of a disease that a person may have, but the quote seems to suggest that jackson and his followers will let their own blood as a new style of engagement. regardless, i'm confused as to how this strategy will really impact the debate; other than one side will be without blood.

which leads me to this - the blood is already being shed. recent crime statistics show that hate crimes against lgbt people are common in the district (particularly in wards 7 and 8 which is interesting because marion barry declared some time ago that ward 8 really doesn't have "but a handful of gay people").

enough with the pro-violence, anti-anyone rhetoric! we're talking about the lives of real people who may love jesus just as much as you, mr. jackson.

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