05 May 2009

grab your smoothbore musket! barry's predicting civil war

for me, today's long-awaited announcement (one that many see as the precursor to full marriage rights for all in the district) that the dc city council had voted by a margin of 12 to 1 to recognize same sex marriages performed in other states was completely overshadowed by marion barry's commentary on the vote. barry, the lone dissenting vote (who, ironically, initially voted FOR the measure, but then asked for a revote because he said that he didn't realize for what he was voting), said that he couldn't vote for the bill because he needed to "stand on the moral compass of god." i wonder if he uses that same yard stick when deciding not to pay his taxes or smoke crack?

if that wasn't enough, barry then went on to say that there would be all out "civil war" in the district if the council were to legalize lgbt marriage. and while that statement is nothing but inflammatory and irresponsible, his final assessment is down-right laughable. today, barry also was quoted as saying that "we don't have but a handful of openly gay residents" in ward 8. uh ... okay, marion! although, now it's much more clear to me how you are completely incapable of doing those simple calculations for the irs. how did that song go? when smoke gets in your eyes ...

*i can't believe that i couldn't even make it five posts without gay!

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