17 May 2009

she's back with another point

when my cousin's daughter was seven, she offered this explanation of the gender and role dynamics of my relationship with kristin. well, now she's eight and she's back with more -

8 year old: mom, you didn't tell me there was a g-word. adrian told me the g-word and it's in the book that i'm reading now (she was reading a dr. seuss book).

mom: what's the g-word?

8 year old: gay!

mom: well gay isn't a bad word. in your book it means "happy" and cousin becca and kristin are a couple together ... you could say cousin becca was gay. but it's not nice to make fun of people and use it like you are calling names.

8 year old: well, when i grow up i'm definitely going to be gay so that i can live with one of my friends!

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