01 June 2008

eye openers of the weekend

in no particular order -

the district of columbia government, and all city residents for that matter, should immediately demand quality emergency and acute care for residents who live in wards 7 and 8. greater southeast community hospital (or
whatever they're calling it now) is a total joke - don't let the website fool you.
the hospital has been repeatedly
cited for substandard care. now i know that some of you are wondering why i'm even writing about this - after all, this news is not new. however, last week i received a letter from my insurance company - a reputable 50-stater that serves many feds - informing me that they de-certified greater southeast community hospital and care at the facility would no longer be covered by my insurance. part of me says - GOOD! i'm glad that someone is standing up and saying that the care in this facility does not meet the minimum standards for coverage. the other part of me says - why is it not okay for me - an educated, employee of the federal government - but it is just fine for and continues to serve those among us who in all reality probably require better care than me? it's not a matter of closing the place - the residents of wards 7 and 8 need a hospital. it's a matter of providing equal access to quality health care for all citizens - regardless of their address, socio economic status, race ...

the diamond that was jodie foster lost its luster. we tried to watch "
the brave one" this weekend and it just wasn't good. in the past, it would not have mattered, but i couldn't even make it to the end. i think because she may be a cheat might have something to do with it (fyi -it was while working on this movie that she met her reported new gf), but mostly it's impossible to watch a character trying to play "straight" while channeling shane mccutcheon.

i was reminded this weekend about how segregated the district is and how some are totally isolated. we took the girls next door strawberry picking this weekend (had a blast, even in the rain). on our way out of town we stopped in adams morgan to pick up our csa share. it was on this leg of the trip that the 7 year old remarked with great dismay - THERE ARE NO BLACK PEOPLE UP HERE! we affirmed her observation, but before we were able to point out that there were in fact a few black people on the sidewalk to our left she wondered - are black people allowed up here? the fact is that her reality is totally different - she lives in a neighborhood that is 99.9% african american. i began to wonder what was worse - the fact that this city continues to be segregated by race or that she has limited opportunities to leave her insulated community?

finally, the blogosphere raises an interesting conundrum - what do you do when you're out and about and recognize someone from a blog that you've been reading and it's a random blog written by someone that you've never met?

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