11 April 2008

when a questionable idea goes REALLY bad

someone in the fairfax, va county public schools had the stellar idea to quantify student morality. if that weren't enough, this visionary decided that the most valid way to collect these data would be to have teachers individually rate each student.
provocative topic? check!
sound methodology? check check!
BUT WAIT! what about the analysis? yep, got that covered. these forward thinkers chose to disaggregate the data by gender (really?), race (oh no!), ethnicity (please stop!), and disability category (okay enough!).

gender bias, classim, racism come quickly to mind, but you all know that kids with disabilities are my passion - so on that topic i'll contribute my analysis. it's simple really -

a kid with a disability who exhibits questionable behavior? screw morality. it might have something to do with the disability, dumbass ...

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