06 April 2011

we're real tax-paying citizens - not some faceless enemy

the possibility of a federal government shutdown is becoming more and more real as the hours pass. while i've definitely been one to make jokes about being a fed, i do so in jest. i know how hard we work every day - to serve, protect. the work we do is noble and worthwhile - my job exists for the sole purpose of ensuring that infants, toddlers and students with disabilities get the access to the same education as their typically developing peers. doesn't really seem like a waste of money to me.

and yet we have to listen to people talk and write about how we're lazy, unproductive and unnecessary. they talk as if we're this random group of people who are somehow unaffected by the faltering economy. in reality, we're tax payers just like the rest of them and are impacted as well.

i could go on and on and on, but steve ressler said it better over at the huffington post.


Unknown said...

Maybe YOU aren't lazy, unproductive and unnecessary, but many government employees are. Some by their own account, others because the government is too big and has too many people doing to little work. But the departments and department heads won't downsize since that only makes their fifedoms that much smaller and reduces their own power.

the flipflop fed said...

First of all - thanks for reading my blog and leaving a comment. I would love to know how you found me. It would be difficult to disagree that there are lazy, unproductive and unnecessary employees in every sector and at every organization so the government is no different. But, the broad brush stroke with which we're painted is not productive and does nothing to further reform - which, I agree is needed in many areas of government.