10 April 2011

not a win for women's reproductive rights in the district of columbia

obviously i've watched the last few days of news with keen interest; after all, it's been my livelihood at stake. and like many americans, i was irritated to think that the right to show up, do my job and earn a living was pinned to an attempt to legislate through the budget process. but in the end, common sense won out when obama and the democrats, my people, stood firm in their commitment not to agree to any deal that defunded planned parenthood. the rider disappeared and the democrats and obama agreed to the proposed budget cuts and proclaimed a hard-won social victory on behalf of womens' reproductive freedom. but was it really?

no. while defunding planned parenthood did not happen, the newly approved federal budget deal contains a provision that the district of columbia may not use LOCAL funds to support a low-income woman's right to choose. that's right, congress - both democrats and republicans - , with obama's approval, has told the tax paying citizens of the district of columbia what they can and cannot do with their local tax dollars. where's the national outrage over that?! i'll make it easy - there is none.

can you imagine the federal government telling arizona that it can no longer spend its local dollars to enforce its undocumented worker policies? of course not, because it would never happen. first, the arizona congressional delegation would band together to prevent it and other states would begin the cries of states rights. but, that's what happens when you're not a state, when you don't have a vote and when the only representation you have is a city government that no one takes seriously because it's such an embarrassment.

taxation without representation is alive and well!

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