09 November 2009

unveiling the bias

i had wanted to stay away from the fort hood shootings because it's a loaded subject (every pun intended) - no matter what side you take. but, i'm feeling like the coverage becomes more and more biased as the days wear on because there's no new news to report. could it be that this was really just a case of a man with ptsd who was facing deployment into a war zone and just snapped? it's seems like the most rationale explanation, but not one that's getting much coverage. instead, the print, online and television media, and some elected officials, are determined to unearth the terrorism angle - truth be damned. cases in point -

showing hasan in his prayer clothes laughing just hours before the shooting. the simple story is that he was coming from morning prayers and was interacting with a man he had interacted with on a daily basis for some time. news flash - even people who are down, depressed, pensive and dare i say considering suicide or homocide find moments of levity. i just wonder if this video would have gone viral if he hadn't been wearing his prayer clothes?

focusing on the fact that he had attended the same mosque attended by some of the 9/11 hijackers. the reality is that there's only one documented account of hasan attending the virginia mosque visited by two of the alleged bombers - neither of the visits being at the same time. it was for his mother's funeral. the truth is that hasan worshiped at a mosque in silver spring, md. but, that doesn't link him to some nefarious plot, does it?

a congressman troubled that the intelligence community has yet to confirm his connections to the terrorism community. could it be that there's nothing to find because he really was just a man who acted alone after spending extended periods of time listening to his peers describe the horrors of war?

i just worry we're going down the "oh shit! they've purchased aluminum tubes!!" or "he's a fat, strange man with a unnatural interest in helping the victims of the olympic park bombing" path that will only stop when even more lives are destroyed.

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