22 November 2009

inconsistent reasoning at best

archbishop donald wuerl is on a pr campaign to try and make people understand that he was never trying to blackmail the council of the district of columbia into trashing a bill that would legalize marriage between two people of the same gender. the latest effort is a bit in the washington post's "on faith" column. in it, archbishop wuerl restates that the archdiocese was never trying to influence the process and also mentions that he is asking only for the same language that the aclu is recommending including in the final bill.

but, here's where it all falls apart for me ...

each year 68,000 people in the district rely on catholic charities for (fill in the social service here). this assistance is offered regardless of race, religion ... sexual orientation ...

let me get this straight? it's okay to provide social services to and recognize relationships of down-and-out gay people, but not okay to provide equal benefits to lgbt employees or allow lgbt people to adopt? guess it's all about charity and not justice - which, last time i checked, is not necessarily in line with catholic social teaching.

yeah, try again don.

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