22 August 2009

looking common? more power to you michelle!

not sure if any other news outlets have picked up this story from earlier in the week, but it's all the talk around washington. what's the big deal? why michelle obama had the audacity to wear shorts when deplaning air force one after returning from a family trip to the grand canyon. (this is in direct contrast to the time she went to serve lunch at a homeless shelter wearing $500 sneakers.) can you believe! in 2009, when most other people fail to comb their hair and routinely wear pajamas when flying, our first lady decided to be appropriately comfortable. robin givhan's article from the post ended by saying something to the effect that by trying to be average, she ended up looking common. news flash ms. givhan - michelle obama is the first lady, not the queen, and the last time i checked she was just an attorney and mom from chicago whose husband just happened to be elected president.

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