11 March 2009

a night with nannaboo

nannaboo stopped by this evening for a visit and we learned the following things -

1) it's spelled N A N N A B O O

2) she's called nannaboo because her grandmother (nanna) always used to call her "boo" and when her grandmother died she combined the two and took it as her name

3) she's never seen a picture of herself as a girl and got really emotional when we were looking through the pictures. she kept saying "i'm really beautiful." it was very touching. (aside - we ordered some of the pictures and in the larger-than-life-style that is all her own, she ordered a 20x30 of her face!)

4) she wants to order all new boots for work for the summer. she's going to stop back later this week to pick her selections from here. it makes sense really - i mean where else could you order electric blue patent micro stilettos in size 14?

5) she locked herself out again this week. this time she told the fireman that her baby was sleeping in the apartment. of course, she doesn't have any children, but she keeps a life-sized doll tucked in her bed precisely for moments like these - no joke!

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