23 February 2009

wanted: the obamas in our pews

a while back, avis thomas-lester had a piece in the washington post about how "in demand" the obamas are in and around the district. it profiled a hair stylist who was angling to do michelle's do and a city council member looking to hit the links with barack. all pretty interesting in a benign stalkerish sort of way.

then thomas-lester explored how local churches are jockeying to get the obamas to worship with them. i guess this is okay too, but i became a little wary of some of the motivation behind getting the obamas in the pew when i read the following -

Anthony Hawkins, administrator of Metropolitan A.M.E. Church in Northwest Washington, said many churches in the District are offering a spiritual home for the Obamas because of the prestige it would bring.

"Since they are African American and Washington, D.C., is a predominantly black city, there are a host of black churches," he said. "It would be a feather in one's cap to have them worshiping with you."

is this really why these churches want the obamas to worship with them? to be able to brag about it? to be proud? this strikes me as incredibly un-christ like. i wonder why anthony hawkins did not immediately declare that his church would be the best place to nurture the faith and walk of each of the obamas?

something tells me THAT'S what jesus was looking for ...

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