31 March 2008


like each weekend before, i spent much of my time listening to npr. love the whole saturday and sunday lineup - calling all pets, car talk, wait wait don't tell me, this american life, a prairie home companion, speaking of faith (my partner thinks it should be called my god is better than your god!) , on the media ...

it was on the media that introduced me to my new obsession -
zillow. zillow is a website that allows you to track real estate valuations. not only does zillow give you the fair market price of your house, it will also tell you how much it has appreciated or, more likely, depreciated in the past 30 days. and if you're not satisfied watching your own largest single investment rise and fall as often as you inhale and exhale, you can obsess over your parents house and your neighbors house too. did i mention that they have pictures! at least i learned that we won't need a new roof any time soon.

the site is ridiculously addictive!

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