07 May 2011

making her famous

totally forgot that tomorrow is mother's day and didn't even send a card! but you can all help me by making my mom famous because there's no better present than that. if you wouldn't mind - forward this link to everyone you know + 10 people that you sort of know + 5 people that you really don't know, but are hoping to get to know better and ask them to leave a comment on the blog telling my mom -

how pretty she is
how famous she is
how nice her hands are
how you never seen a better picture of someone sticking out their tongue during a professional photo shoot

i will then forward her all of the comments and it will be the BEST mother's day present ever!

thanks for your help. by the way, nothing will happen if you don't forward this on in the next 10 minutes - no death, destruction, bad luck etc. but, you will help me dig myself out of the procrastinator's hole. oh, and not to make you feel guilty, but i'd totally do it for you :)


Duonoir said...

Not only do you look like Becca, you obviously have her personality too!! Your photo is certainly one which shows YOUR personality, and not the photographer! What a wonderful photo...Happy Mother's Day!
Trish - Becca's neighbor...

2by4 said...

Next time I see you Mrs Wallawender, I'll have my autograph book handy!!! Oh yeah! Happy mother's day.

dj said...

(second try posting) Dear Becca's mom, you don't know me but I would recognize you anywhere! Becca looks like you: same rosy cheeks, laughing eyes, great hair, and cool accessories. Becca make me laugh a lot and I'm sure she got that from you, too. Happy Mother's Day. -Janessa

ps. I think a calendar would be a great birthday gift for Becca.

Crissie said...

So, Happy Mother's Day (and many more). So, I see your love of duality - what a gift: smiling eyes, happy go lucky gesture, a je-ne-sais-quoi flair about you - then the tongue: was Becca playing papparazzi again?

Unknown said...

Happy Mother's Day to my dear Auntie-poo! Don't forget I always knew how hilarious and beautiful you were before you became famous. XOXO

Moi said...

"Aunt" Mary Lee, you are obviously one of the very best moms that exist. It's so nice to see you and Becca together and the great relationship you have with one another. I love you both, and Ms. K too! Have a GREAT Mom's Day. xoxoxo, Cousin Tara

Moi said...

Oh, and I forgot to say, not only are you a FANTASTIC mother, you do amazing things from a place of love and passion and you help a tremendous amount of people with your work. And, you advance society. In short, YOU ROCK!!

the flipflop fed said...

sagwa and hubert would have typed this themselves but they don't have opposable thumbs -

happy grandmeowma's day, grandmeowma! can't wait to see you again so we can pee on your things.

sagwa and hubert

Unknown said...

Happy Mother's Day Mary Lee! This is one of my favorite pictures of you. I love how it captures your joy and goofy side!