20 March 2011

oh yeah, it impacted the black people too

recently returned from a week long trip to training in new orleans. the city, in the wake of katrina, was specifically selected as a case study for leading change. we heard from politicians, school district leaders, economic development firms and federal agencies. and who were these talking heads - white man, white man, white man, white man and white man.

now, my knowledge of new orleans and katrina is limited to what i've seen on the news, but i seem to remember that there were at least a few african americans affected by the storm as well.

to be fair, we did hear from one african american woman - a new orleans native - who returned after the storm and is leaving her mark as a principal in the recovery school district. she was, by far, the most compelling speaker. of course i learned a lot throughout the week, but felt that it was a missed opportunity to hear from those disproportionately affected by the storm.

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