17 January 2010

denzelyahu haNavi

just came from seeing "the book of eli" - the hughes brothers post-apocalyptic retelling of the story of the prophets elijah and elisha. (absolutely no desire to see this movie save for a bored teenager who said - "let's go see the one with denzel.")

would love to give it a two thumbs up, but it was really just an overly-violent spectacle aimed at the males of the war generation (and there were plenty of them there). it was VERY preachy and VERY traditional christian. and i wondered throughout exactly how many of them actually got the deeper meaning. there were however a few things that i actually liked -

1) the elisha character (mila kunis) was a woman

2) the elijah character (denzel washington) ascended into heaven from a small rocky island perched in the san francisco bay. that's right, instead of crossing the brook kerith to get to elijah's hill, this elijah rows across san francisco bay from the shores of baker beach to alcatraz. (i'll get back to you - or you fill me in - when i figure out the deeper meaning of alcatraz.)

bottom line, no need to spend any money on this one - you can read the story for free in the book of kings.

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