30 July 2008

pride cometh before ...

i'm a little worried about obama. seems like he's taking the whole "presumptive nominee" to a new level. i understand that a lot of this is perspective and the spin that's spun by the 4th estate, but really i'm worried that many people may not see past the opinions of the pundits and begin to wonder if this guy isn't just too full of himself. i'm worried about what will happen if the conversations in the local diners and supermarkets switch from what is best for the future of the people of this country to "who the hell does this guy think he is? maybe he's not one of us or he doesn't and won't represent my interests." i worry that those in the inner-circle are riding the wave of celebrity and not having the "hey wait!" conversations.

so obama, in the absence of jeremiah wright, i remind you - "a person's pride will humiliate him or her, but a humble spirit gains honor."

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